Recruit Graduates with SACC

Bridging Military Excellence and
Academic Advancement

Partnering with SACC can help you connect with exceptional
service academy graduates ready to excel.

Are you facing recruitment challenges for your Graduate programs?

We understand the unique challenge of attracting top-tier students. If you're facing any of the following challenges, you are not alone:

Here's How SACC Can Enhance Your
Graduate Program Recruiting Efforts

Are you ready to improve your academic programs with graduates that excel? Join us in connecting with exceptional service academy graduates who can bring leadership and innovation to your institution.


Exclusive Career Conferences

Join us at multiple locations throughout the year to meet a diverse pool of veteran Service Academy graduates eager to pursue advanced degrees. These conferences are the only events dedicated solely to connecting academic institutions with this exceptional talent pool.


Targeted Networking Events

Participate in seminars and networking events designed to facilitate meaningful in person connections with potential graduate students. You'll have the opportunity to feature your programs and connect with candidates many of whom are eligible for GI Bill benefits.


Access Online Resources

Access our online portal where you can review candidate resumes and academic interests, saving you time and energy in identifying ideal prospects for your programs.

Higher Education Institution Registration

Registration for

$ 3,950
$ 3,160
  • Early, online access to the SACC resume book allowing you to search for and contact candidates prior to the event.
  • Logo and link to your website on SACC website
  • Six-foot table, tablecloth, 2 chairs
  • Includes up to 6 representatives at your booth
  • Discount available if registering for multiple events

More than 6 representatives? Add an additional booth at a discounted rate. See registration form for details.

*Please contact SACC prior to registration to receive the discount.

Higher Education Institution Registration

Registration for
Atlanta, Washington DC, San Diego, Chicago

$ 16,900
$ 13,520
  • Early, online access to the SACC resume book allowing you to search for and contact candidates prior to the event.
  • Logo and link to your website on SACC website
  • Six-foot table, tablecloth, 2 chairs
  • Includes up to 6 representatives at your booth
  • Discount available if registering for multiple events

More than 6 representatives? Add an additional booth at a discounted rate. See registration form for details.

*Please contact SACC prior to registration to receive the discount.

  • Seminar

Expand Your Reach - Feature Your School with a Seminar!

Seminars are held on Day 1 and are a 25-minute presentation opportunity to connect with candidates in a group setting. Additional benefits are:

  • A/V included
  • Complimentary electric at your booth (if requested)
  • Included in multiple candidate emails
  • Highlighted on SACC event page
  • Sponsor

Maximize Your Networking Potential - Host the SACC Social!

Networking mixer following the seminars from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm. Open to all candidates and recruiters. Sponsorship includes:

  • Brief speaking opportunity in a casual setting (audio included)
  • Your logo prominently placed throughout the event website, SACC app, SACC communications and social media posts
  • Premium booth placement during career fair
  • Complimentary electric at your booth (if requested)
  • Seminar

Be the Connection! Sponsor the Event Wi-Fi

SACC is about creating powerful connections. Help make those connections possible by sponsoring the event Wi-Fi. Sponsorship includes:

  • Your logo prominently placed throughout the event website, SACC app, SACC communications and social media posts
  • Custom event Wi-Fi login credentials
  • Premium booth placement during career fair
  • Complimentary electric at your booth (if requested)
  • sponsor

Say Cheese! Sponsor the SACC Photo Booth

The photo booth is an opportunity for all SACC participants to sit for a professional headshot at no charge during the career fair on Day 2. Photographer Doug Sanford captures everyone's best side! Sponsorship includes:

  • Your logo on prominently placed signage at the photo booth. You may also display your own company banner at the booth
  • Sponsor representatives may be present at the booth
  • Premium booth placement during career fair
  • Complimentary electric at your booth (if requested)
  • Featured in multiple SACC communications and social media posts
  • Sponsor

Sponsor the Candidate Coffee Breaks

What guarantees an alert audience? Caffeine! Feature your program's hospitality by sponsoring a coffee break. Sponsorship includes:

  • Your logo on prominently placed signage at coffee/snack breaks
  • Complimentary electric at your booth (if requested)

Refund Requests

Higher Education Institutions are eligible for a refund or deferment if canceled or rescheduled 30 days prior to the event. Please contact the SACC team at with any questions.


We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals to engage fully. To request an accommodation or for inquiries about accessibility, please contact the SACC staff at Advance notice is necessary to arrange for some accessibility needs.

SACC: What Our Community is Saying

Organizations Attending Our Next Event

Have questions about how
SACC can help you?