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2 hours agoMatthew Lewis is a national security leader with over thirty years of executive experience in large and small science and technology, defense, and intelligence organizations. He is a graduate of West Point and MIT with honors in Physics and Nuclear Engineering and Harvard Fellow. He flew the Army’s Apache and Blackhawk helicopters and commanded US Army aviation units in conflict areas around the globe to include hot spots in Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Since retiring from the Army, Matt has been a science and technology leader at Sandia National Labs for almost ten years. He led the research and development of a long-range high resolution synthetic aperture radar imaging system with onboard automatic target recognition for the U.S. Army for special mission applications as well as collaborative development of the advanced capabilities for the USAF Lynx Radar system. Today, he leads the next generation systems and analysis group that develops and evaluates new concepts through modeling, simulation, prototyping, testing, and mission engineering of advanced hypersonic strike systems, missile defense, space sensor architectures, nuclear and directed energy weapon systems.
Industry: National Security and Technological Innovation
Website: Visit Website
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